Tuesday, June 23, 2015

5 Things We Discover when We Write Through the Tough Times

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

I’ve never met anyone who had an easy life. I’ve met a lot of people that looked like they did—from the outside. But once I’ve gotten to know them, I quickly learned that things were never what they seemed. This holds true for writers.

Those who have the luxury of writing full-time have the same struggles faced by those who have limited time.

That leads me to what I think is one of the biggest lies about writing—the myth of finding time to write. Truthfully, that time is never found. It’s carved out of our busy lives. It doesn’t matter if you’re a bestselling author or just starting to put pen to paper. And whether or not we consistently carve out that time, no matter what’s happening around us, will determine how successful we are.

As writers, we need to realize tough times will come. And it’s during those times that our commitment will be tested and our resolve will be forged.

But take heart. There are some good things that will come out of perseverance, and today I’m going to share them.

1. A strength you didn’t know you had. Until we push ourselves to write when we don’t feel like it, write when we don’t have time, and write when we plain just don’t want to, we’ll always feel like a fraud. But when we grit our teeth and hammer out words—sometimes just junk—we take our dream from wishing to reality. After all, as Nora Roberts said, “You can fix anything but a blank page.

2. The knowledge that you are a person to be admired and respected. If I give up every time something gets difficult, I lose my self-respect. But, if I continue on, no matter how difficult, I earn that respect back. Beyond that, I earn the respect of other writers around me.

3. A foundation of toughness. Writing isn’t for wimps. A successful writer is two parts mind-over-matter, three parts perseverance, and one part optimism.

4. The courage to continue on no matter what comes in the future. I’ve discovered something even more frightening than writer’s block. It’s starting over after a successful project. We all look at that blank screen and wonder if we have another book/article/poem inside us. And the more successful we are, the more paralyzing the fear can become, if we let it have a foothold. If, on the other hand, we refuse to listen to those doubts echoing in our minds, we’ll find that our courage grows and we’re able to continue moving forward, no matter what.

5. A sense of accomplishment. Moving forward, when things get tough, gives us a sense of accomplishment. Small successes can be built, one after another, into a confidence that doesn’t collapse when things get hard.

All of these things will stand us in good stead, in life as well as in our writing endeavors. So next time you find yourself in the midst of tough times, persevere and come out on the other side stronger.

These are the things I’ve found when I write through the tough times. What insights have you gained? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Don’t forget to join the conversation!

5 Things We Discover When We Write Through theTough Times – via @EdieMelson (Click to Tweet)


  1. I needed to be re-booted in these truths this morning, Edie. When deadlines collide with life, it's easy to . . . question. But, I've found it's within these times our Father gives the best material :)
    And the time to write it down! Thank you for this inspiring post!

    1. Verna, you are you right, our Father always gives the best material! Thanks for sharing, Blessings, E

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with #3. Mind over matter is the one I struggle with. After reading this blog and attending BRMCWC and Writer to Writer I have more confidence. Thank you for pouring your life onto paper for us. I truly appreciate every word you write.

    1. Thank you for sharing this, Edie. I needed it! I read your blog regularly and it consistently inspires me.

    2. Cherrilynn, you are putting feet to your calling! Blessings, E

  3. Edie,
    Just shared on Twitter and both of my Facebook pages. Your message serves as a healing balm to my soul. I've been writing and getting published traditionally for almost 40 years, and everyday I see so many other writers surpass me when it comes to book sales and book deals. I am always so happy for them, but then it does something to me and I begin to question my own journey and success. I'm working on my third novel, and I'm in the middle of "writing through the tough times.

    Thank you so much for this and congrats on While My Soldier Serves.


    1. Kathleen, thank you for sharing. It is hard when others seem to pass us by. I watched so many through the years get a book deal and still nothing for me. But the reason was God has something perfect in mind - my first book for military families. When I began praying for a book, our son was still in middle school!!! I love the way God works, Blessings, E

  4. I find that I'm more capable than I thought I was. And God is much bigger...

    1. Jennifer, both excellent additions! Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Blessings, E

  5. Edie, you are right about no one having an easy life. I began my first book about 20 years ago! And then "LIFE" happened, including my free-lance editor going through a divorce and taking on a more-than-full-time editing position with a ministry; major personal health issues to overcome and then TWO severely multiple-fractured wrists; and becoming a full-time caregiver to my spouse. Sometimes there were long stretches of time when I couldn't even think about the book... And then there were seasons when I would work very hard to care out maybe three hours in a two- week period to work.
    But God is the strength of my life! I didn't die; I live, and I will declare the works of The Lord! I am inching my way along, and I am getting so close! I've been reading your blog for a few months and I am learning so much that I needed to know. Thank you for all you do help the rest of us!
    "If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small." Prov.24:10 NLT
    "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13 NASB
    Only in God! :)

    1. June, great insight! thank you so much for stopping by, Blessings, E

  6. Edie, you've done it again and spoken to me like an honest friend when I need it most. I'm struggling to write in that tough period of doubt and disappointing results. Your post today is brutally honest, but also challenging and encouraging. Just what I needed! God bless you for sharing these words and wisdom today.

    1. Jerusha, I think that was God speaking to you! thank you for sharing your heart, Blessings, E

  7. Thank you for the motivation Edie. Writing through tough times is therapeutic. If you can bring yourself to doing it, it cleans your system like nothing else. Structured writing is hard during the tough times-- free writing works better and once that's out of your system, maybe structuring it can lead to a good chapter.

    1. Neelima, you are so right - it is therapeutic - in so many ways! Thanks so much for sharing your insights, Blessings, E

  8. I loved this post and really needed to hear it. In fact, I'm saving it to read later. Thanks, Edie!
