Saturday, August 16, 2014

Social Media Image—Heaven Under our Feet

by +EdieMelson @EdieMelson

I believe one of our tasks as writers is to point out things that other people sometimes miss. We use words to help our readers notice the beauty around us. 

What writers have helped you see the world in a different way?

Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

I also invite you to use this image any way you like online. Post it to your blog, share it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, anywhere you'd like. All I ask is that you keep it intact, with my website watermark visible.

Don't forget to join the conversation!


  1. Diann Hunt exuded Jesus more than anyone I've ever known. She also had a whacked sense of humor, which was so much like mine. From Diann, I learned to view the world through that sense of humor and not try to subdue it. It was so freeing and allowed my voice to come out in my writing.

  2. Where did you take this pic Edie? It's amazing!

  3. Thank you, Edie. I used this on my new author's page. Very pretty.
