Friday, June 13, 2014

Life Lessons—Mine Your Experiences to Make Your Writing Richer

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson 

We all want what we write to matter—to touch hearts, change lives, challenge the status quo. To that end we search high and low for the words that connect us to our readers.

But what if the gems we’re searching for aren’t hidden in distant places, but instead are buried deep within our own experiences?

Today I’m going to give you the clues to finding those precious nuggets hidden in plain sight. If you’ll bear with me, I’d like to follow this mining metaphor to its ultimate end and show you how to mine your own experiences to make your writing richer.

Mining is hard work, and as I share the miner’s tools of the trade, I’ll be drawing the parallels that I think may help you strike gold.

Tools of the Mining Trade
Miners of old wielded heavy pick axes and bulky shovels. They built sluice boxes and patiently plied the gold pans looking for nuggets. This was necessary because the treasure was often buried under hard rock and hidden in amongst worthless mud.

We face many of the same obstacles when we mine our own experiences. We must dig, not under tons of rock, but beneath rock-hard walls we’ve erected between us and the things in our past that have been painful. We also find that those gems closer to the surface aren’t obvious, but hidden in plain sight beside everyday occurrences.  They’re camouflaged to look worthless but are gems of inspiration.

Work Clothes of a Miner
Miners—then and now—are often easy to spot because of their attire. From the metal hard hats, with attached lights, to the tips of their steel-toed boots, everything about them is geared to plying their trade.

We too, often need a hard hat of sorts. Our minds often shrink away from remembering past experiences like a miner needs protection from a rain of stones. Our feet must be shod in a foundation of who we are, protected while we go mucking about the dangerous mine shafts of yesterday. Even the good memories can be dangerous, deceiving us and seducing us into what-might-have-been.

The light we need is the focus of what we’re searching for—the point of our writing. No matter whether we’re looking to expose truth, share hope or something else entirely, we must stay true to our path. It can mean death to wander into a side-tunnel and get lost forever.

Digging out the Treasure
Now that we’re equipped, let’s start the search. Join me in examining our circumstances. Each of us is in a unique place. It’s a convergence of time and space, but even more it's comprised of people and experiences. Don’t waste what God has put inside you or where He has placed you. Illustrate the things you write with what colors your life.

Many of you already do this. How have your own experiences led you to valuable insights you’re able to share through your writing? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Don’t forget to join the conversation



  1. I love the metaphors you used. It's so true, that we keep so much buried inside us but God uses His Word to dig those experiences out of us and writing gives us the key to sharing with others.. The act of writing is a growing experience for us that can be used to bless the readers.

    1. Barbara, good thoughts. Writing is a growing experience for us. Thanks for stopping by, Blessings, E

  2. Mining these hidden experiences is a double edged sword. It can have a therapeutic affect as long as people don't end up using it for a badge. Our past should not define our future. Good thoughts, Edie.

    1. Donevy, you are so right. We must be careful not to wear our experiences as a badge! Thanks for adding your wisdom, Blessings, E

  3. This is great, Edie. Writing about my prodigals was painful as I relived many of those experiences. It also brought healing and freedom. Hopefully, my story will do the same for others.

    1. Andrea, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Helping others by sharing difficult times definitely helps with the healing. Blessings, E

  4. Sometimes the writing out of my experiences helps me to process them and to learn from them. When I'm journaling them, I usually find myself praying through these experiences. When they show up in a blog post or a scene in a book, I've had more time to mine through the rock and find the gems to share with others. Hopefully those gems will encourage others.

    1. Jeanne, I totally agree. Taking time to process experiences can give those gems the polish they need before we share them with others! Blessings, E

  5. I am a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't waste anything, including the trials we might face. The Bible says that Christ comforts us in our suffering so we in turn can comfort others. I have found that by being willing to share some of these tough times in my writing, I've been able to comfort another person, even if it is just the realization that the person isn't alone in that particular trial.
    As always, thanks for sharing on this important topic for writers to consider.

    1. Paula, absolutely! You are right on target. Thanks so much for taking time to share your thoughts! Blessings, E
