I love to read science fiction and fantasy, and watch movies from those genres. I see in the worlds of Frank Herbert and Isaac Asimov mirrors of the struggles facing our world today. I also find hope, that one person really can make a difference.
What books and movies have you seen that help you process and understand the world around us?
Oh, and if you're curious. This is an UNTOUCHED photo. I took it at the Indianapolis ACFW conference in 2010, on the roof of the Hyatt Regency. It was a reflection in a window of the building behind us. Sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction.
"Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it." - Lloyd Alexander |
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Saving Mr. Banks tells the story behind making the film Mary Poppins, not in the technical sense but the "back story" of the author, P.L. Travers and how it influenced her writing. Everyone has a back story that affects how we see our world. There are many applications to be made from that movie, if you haven't seen it!