Monday, August 13, 2012

How Do I Choose Where to Focus My Writing Efforts?

Are you at a writing crossroad?

A lot of newer writers, and even those at a crossroad, find themselves overwhelmed with the myriad of options in the field of writing. They struggle, trying to decide between writing articles, devotions, fiction, non-fiction, etc. 

Writing is a big field, and if you didn’t study some aspect of it in college, the choices can be daunting.

My suggestion—take a deep breath—you don’t have to start out with a specialty. As a matter of fact, until you’ve tried several different genres—and sometimes even then—you probably shouldn’t limit yourself too much. Even those of us with formal training find ourselves morphing into a different kind of writer than we envisioned at the start of our career.

Don't be afraid to try your wings!
Give yourself time to flex your wings. Try out different things. Write for the web, for print—even try your hand at a short story or flash fiction. Not only will variety help you determine the kind of writing you love, it will improve your ability overall. Here are some other tips to help you get started.
  • Look for a writers group in your area. There may or may not be one, but if there is, it will help immensely. It gives you perspective when you see what others are doing and you’re able to ask questions.
  • Take a look at what you like to read. What touches you? What do you find yourself saying, “If I could write anything, I’d write this?” The answer may surprise you and lead you down a different writing path.
  • Determine what you want to accomplish with your writing. Is it to touch people, glorify God, earn a little extra money? The answer may not be all one thing, but you should have one that stands out from the others.

You hold the world in your hand
These tips will help make your choices easier. They will also help you determine where to go for further training. For example, I might recommend one book for a writer who wants to write devotions and a completely different one for someone who is interested in freelancing as a career.

Don’t be afraid of all the choices—embrace them!

I’d love to hear from you. What kind of writing do you like to do? How did you discover it?
Don’t forget to join the conversation!


  1. I am still in the stage of trying multiple forms of writing. I've succeeded in blogging, so I know I'm good at doing that. I have tried my hand at flash fiction and am working on a novel in the genre I read the most. I love flash fiction and hope to write more of that. I'd like to try short stories. I'd like to see if I can get any of them published. I've successfully written and published devotions and hope to write a full devotional sometime soon. I've written one article and hope to write more, but what's really taken off (unexpectedly) is my editing career. I'm still seeking that main direction, but I know it's waiting just around the corner.

    1. Alycia, that's what I like most about trying things out—the often unexpected result. Thanks for sharing you journey! Blessings, E

  2. Edie,
    Oh how I needed to read this timely post this morning! While I love writing devotions and poetry and prose, I also love to dig into God's Word with the upcoming Psalm 91 study co-blogging with Jamie Britt. I think I need to take a breather as you said...step back and look at your tips and pray it through. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Glenda, I'm glad this post gave you some perspective. I'm looking forward to your Psalm 91 study with Jaime! Blessings, E

  3. Thanks for the encouragement to "embrace the choices"!! Just praying that I'm obedient to the ones He puts in my path!!

    You are a blessing!! Love and hugs!

    You remain in my prayers. ;)

    1. Kristi, thanks for stopping by and especially for the prayers! Blessings, E

  4. I started off with doing magazine/nonfiction articles, since I have a journalism background. But now I'm writing inspirational women's fiction and love it (although I still do the other as well).

    1. Lindsay, that's what's so great about being a writer at this time. We do have a lot of choices and the ability to do multiple things. Thanks for sharing your journey! Blessings, E

  5. I'd like to do some technical freelance writing, but with the kids home from college this summer, it's been all I can do to write my Sunday lessons and blog posts. Plus, I keep hearing "Apply your heart to instruction..." and I know where that's coming from!

    Off to study :)

    1. Susan, I know what you mean about kids and summer. I thought it would get easier when they were older, it's still a crazy—although FUN—time. Just promise me that no matter how busy you get, you won't quit blogging. I'd be lost without you! Blessings, E

  6. Sometimes you get the greatest blessings and platform boosters by trying different things. Thanks for a great post, Edie!

    1. Michelle, you're exactly right. Often times our platforms can get a much needed boost with a little variation. Thanks for stopping by! Blessings, E

  7. I love writing for children. I've had several children's devotionals published and I've been working on a picture book for over a year now. I didn't think I would like blogging but have been pleasantly surprised. Currently God is drawing me to interview people and write feature articles about them. I don't know what God has in mind, but it's exciting!

  8. Sally, that is exciting! I teach about interviewing, we need to exchange tips. Thanks for stopping by, Blessings, E

  9. Thanks for the encouragement Edie. My goal is novel writing, but writing for my blog has helped my writing become more precise and focused. After I finish editing my WIP, I'd like to try some short stories and see if I can get them published in a journal. By the way, I love your new blog design- it's very simple and soothing.

  10. Edie, I never envisioned blogging or wanted to see the need. But I'm working hard on ideas. I can see how every form of writing helps move writing skills forward. Everytime we create a new story, new skills blossom. Thanks for all your help on Saturday. Have a ways to go to fill confident in theses new areas. Hugs, Sheri
