Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weekend Worship—Clinging

But test all things. Hold on to what is good. I Thessalonians 5:21

Every year, since 1996, God has given me a verse of Scripture for the upcoming year. These verses have been my anchors in a storm-tossed life more often than you might imagine. This past December, I was challenged by a close friend to ask God for more than a verse for the year to come, but to give me a specific word. I promised to pray, but was uncertain how God would choose to answer. He answered almost immediately with this verse from I Thessalonians and the word, cling.

I felt He was warning me about my tendency to say yes to every opportunity that comes my way. He wanted me to stay close and cling to His wisdom so I wouldn't find myself overwhelmed and exhausted.

This past week, barely into February, God has already had to send me a strict reminder about this verse. I found myself with a health scare that has forced a re-assessment of all I'm involved in. It has been a time of readjustment and I'm not finished...truthfully I'll probably not ever be finished. This has shown me that whenever I drift even a short way from God's side I put myself in harm’s way. So this will be my year of learning how to cling to God, letting him prioritize my time, and use me to accomplish His will.


  1. Hang in there. God's incredible, He knows what he's doing. For the longest time, Ps 6 has provided me with the courage to keep going in the face of trials. I just wanted to share that with you. :)

  2. Jack, thank you for the encouragement. Psalm 6 has been one of my hang-outs of late. Blessings, E

  3. Edie,
    The working out of the one-word-for-the-year concept isn't always so, um, traumatic. Here's hoping for more gentle applications in coming days.
    Love you!

  4. A health scare will certainly get our attention. I'm sorry you are having to go through it. Hang in there. God loves you...

  5. I hope God uses this scare in your life to draw you closer to Him. He is the Great Physician and Comforter. :)

  6. Yes, sometimes God's confirmation isn't pleasant. But that's also sometimes the only way He can get my attention. We've got to learn how to listen without pain involved! Love you!

  7. Edie,

    Our health is something we take for granted until something's wrong. Jack's right. God does know what He's doing--even when we don't. Remember that He's holding onto you and He won't let go.

  8. How well I understand your words, Edie. I've had to guard my health and sleep closely since my accident years ago. You're one of the brightest and the best at what you do. Your light will shine brightly, even if you slow down a bit to focus on your health. May God bless you in the days ahead.

  9. Praying for you as you make the necessary adjustments so you can heal. And CLING

  10. So glad you're doing well and listening to God's direction. :)
