Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Ways are not Your Ways

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.
Isaiah 55:8 (NIV)

Have you ever wished you understood God completely—understood why He allows things to happen? I have and I’ve had some pretty uncomfortable conversations with non-believers about that subject. It’s hard to answer why a perfect, loving God would let evil proliferate in our world.

As believers, we know the Biblical answer—because man is sinful and because God allowed us freewill. Translating that into actual application when someone is hurting is difficult at best. But I have come to an understanding that allows me peace, in spite of all the incomprehensible things in this world. That’s what this verse is all about. God has a bigger perspective than I can even imagine. And I’ve come to be so thankful He does. Because, I have to tell you, if my God was small enough for me to understand and anticipate, I don’t think He’d be large enough to worship. I’m blessed, time after time, by His timeless viewpoint and by the fact that I am not in charge.

My personal challenge for this week is to let go of needing to know why and instead, learning to rest in Who.


  1. I have been asking "Why?" a lot lately. I know better but it hasn't stopped me from doing it. My business is to do the next thing God has given me to do - not to figure out what He's up to. Thanks for the reminder and the nudge to get back on track with trusting Him instead of forcing my own solutions.

  2. Amen! Life has definitely been interesting lately but it helps to know God is big and has my life in His hands. I repeat the verse that He holds me in His righteous right hand often...
