Saturday, July 17, 2010

Only Still Water Reflects

The heat index was over 100, but lounging in my beach chair—feet in the sand, I couldn’t have been happier. The blue sky mirrored the dusky blue of the ocean. The tide had turned and more often than not, my feet were washed clean by the encroaching waves. As each wave receded, in its wake was a pool of water so calm I could see my face. This image was replaced over and over as rushing waves crashed upon the shore.

Like an oft repeated saying, the truth of this moment began to penetrate. When I get busy, rushing from thing to thing, it becomes harder and harder for my life to clearly reflect Christ. But if I slow down, living by His rhythm, His image is visible in all aspects of my life.


  1. I love the sea, Edie, and write about it often. Your thoughts here are beautiful.


  2. Thanks ya'll! This is a lesson God keeps pounding into my life.

  3. Beautiful thought, Edie. And, oh so applicable. I miss the beauty of the ocean in my landlocked state of Colorado.

  4. What a beautiful picture to drive home the truth. Thank you. You, of all people, know I need the reminder...often...

  5. Your reflections remind me again of why I love the sea. Lovely, Edie.

  6. It's a soothing picture of stillness! Something I needed today. Thanks!

  7. I love what you said, Edie! I often find that God uses nature to drive home what He wants me to think on.


  8. I love the post, Edie. God often speaks to me through nature to get His point across. Guess it's what He knows I relate to and when I'm still enough to listen.

