Monday, April 7, 2014

Social Media Monday—Maximize the Time Spent Blogging with Cluster Blogging

by Edie Melson

I spend a lot of time and energy blogging. In the beginning, I only blogged once or twice a week. Now with this site, and others where I guest post, I write upwards of twelve posts a week. If I'm not careful to manage my time, that can really cut into my other writing commitments.

So how do I manage that many posts week after week after week? I’ve learned to maximize my time with cluster blogging. Learning how to write my posts by topic, I can get much more done in less time.

The Concept
The idea behind Cluster Blogging is a simple one. I come up with an idea, and compose multiple posts around it. 

It’s a way to capitalize on my writing ADD. Instead of ignoring those little rabbit trails my minds insists on exploring, I make a note of them. Then, I utilize that related idea to write a second post.

The Practice
Here’s an example of how I apply this concept. A while back I came up with an idea for a post, a top ten list of things that prove you’re a writer. I published it as 12 Surefire Signs You Really are a Writer. While I was writing that post, I noticed that a couple of my bullet points pertained more to my love of editing than my love of writing. Thus was born, You Know You’re Editor Material When….

This concept is also how my current Wednesday column, Dollars & Sense for Writers was born. Someone asked me how to find a good writing class and as I gave advice, I realized it would make a good blog post. While I wrote that post, I realized there were lots of topics that would fit under that umbrella idea.

Now I’d like to hear from you. How do you manage your blog writing time and where do you get your ideas?

Don’t forget to join the conversation!




  1. You are truly creative. God job Edie. Oh! do you live in or around Kansas City, Mo?

    1. Chris, I'm glad this post helped. And no, I live in Greenville, SC. Blessings, E

  2. Up until now, I've managed my blogging time by writing posts at one time- batching similar tasks together (thanks, Michael Hyatt). Your idea adds a whole new level to that concept! Thanks!

    1. Julia, this concept really upped my productivity. Blessings, E

  3. Great idea. Will have to apply this principle.

  4. Our group blog has monthly topics. My personal blog has specific subjects on specific days. I like the thought of cluster blogging though...

    1. Jennifer, you can write several months worth of posts, they don't have to all be published in one group. But sometimes it's just not feasible. Blessings, E

  5. This topic was perfectly timed for me Edie. For the past couple of days, I've been twisting my mind around this issue and could only conclude that I can either ONLY write or ONLY blog. I'd been praying about which one to choose and was feeling so sad. You've encouraged me to figure out how to cluster blog with my topics. My thanks to you and to God!

    1. Erika, I'm so happy to have helped. But if you must choose—choose writing and look for a group blog to join and take some of the pressure off yourself! Blessings, E

  6. I need to do the cluster blogging for sure! One thing I've inadvertently found in doing photography tips is that some posts lend themselves to two or three parts. I don't want to drown my reader and so I break up the post into two or three. It also helps me know what to write for the next week!

    1. Mary, you've already stumbled on the concept. You just didn't know what it was called! Blessings, E

  7. Mostly steal yours. But really, it's a crap shoot. I've got Monday and Friday down, it's the Wednesday post that continues to elude me. After reading Bonhoeffer, I thought I'd try a weekly post centered around his life and teachings. Lord knows I write a million posts surrounding this one man alone. So I guess the answer is I get ideas from what I read. Especially if it's the story of someone who made such an impact on my faith.

    1. Ron, I love all your posts! Your idea for Wednesday topics sounds good, too. Blessings, E

  8. This is brilliant, my friend! Thank you!

  9. I'll have to try this! My ideas come from life, pictures, and bopping around the Internet. Sometimes a random comment will prime the blogging pump, especially if I get a different spin on a subject.

    1. Susan, it's amazing how one spark can lead us on a trail of discovery! Blessings, E

  10. Edie, I learned so much at your workshop and I love your book! I would like to put a Followers button on my Facebook page. Could you tell me which post has this info?

    1. Jeannine, I loved getting to know you, too! Here's the link to the post you want:
      This link isn't live here, just copy and paste it into your brower bar.
      Let me know if you need anything else. Blessings, E

  11. Great idea, thanks for sharing.
