Monday, December 13, 2010

Why Blog—Define Your Audience

Today we’re continuing our Why Blog series. If you’ve missed the first post or the second one, take a moment and visit. Today we’re going to talk about defining your audience. This is vitally important to your blog’s viability.

A poorly targeted audience is a frequent reason for a blog’s lack of success.

The target of your blog may seem like an obvious thing, but I’m continually amazed at the number of writers who get off track here.

Common Misconception
I’m a writer, so my blog should target other writers.

Unless you’re teaching writers about craft your audience isn’t other writers.

The Fix
This goes back to the purpose of your blog. Many novelists use a blog to connect with their readers. If that is the purpose of yours then your audience is your reader—not other novelists.

So what does this look like in application?

For a suspense writer it would look like Brandilyn Collins site. She does a great job of connecting to her readers. She also has a site that targets other writers because she is a popular conference instructor and teaches others the craft.

Suppose you’re a freelance writer, then your site should showcase your work and connect you with the people you write for. My site, for instance, targets businesses who need someone to write web content. This provides me with the opportunity to teach writers the craft of writing for the Internet and proves my expertise to potential customers.

Now it’s your turn. What have you found that works to connect you with your audience? Have you seen some things (maybe tried some things) that haven’t worked? Let’s learn from each other.

Don't forget to join the conversation!


  1. Great point, Edie. My blog is The Christian Writer's Den, which helps writers through writing instruction, writing opportunities, interviews with authors, book giveaways, and guest blogging opportunities.

    Even though I offer occasional special deals on my books, the blog is not for my readers, it's specifically for writers. It's a joy to help writers--as you well know! Keep up the good work!

  2. Edie, I am in the process of defining my audience. Thanks for the helpful hints and thoughts. I have a starting point, but not quite sure where it is going to end up. :/ But I will press onward!
    Beth Fortune

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I use my blog to show people some of the topics I both speak and write about. I also use the blog to encourage women. I am very interested in improving and focusing my blog.

    Abbey Cooler

  5. I have two blogs: one is focused on transparent, conversational prayer; the other is to encourage other writers. It also emphasizes transparency.

    My issue is that I have a faithful, but small audience on both blogs. Any suggestions for building a following?


  6. Thanks for all your comments - sounds like you're all doing a good job. Jean, building can seem like a slow (sometimes painfully so) process. Here are some things I've found that help build an audience.
    1. Comment on other blogs - not just your friends, but try to broaden your horizens.
    2. Utilize Twitter. Here's my first of 3 posts on Twitter if you're unfamiliar with it. (copy and paste this in your search engine if the link isn't clickable)
    3. Take advantage of opportunities to guest blog on other sites and have others guest blog on your site.
    These should help you enlarge your audience.
