Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Pattern On the Threshold for Writers, Part 1

by Audrey Frank @AudreyCFrank

All Scripture quotations are NLT.

John Mark is believed to be the author of the gospel of Mark. Like many a good writer, he was a quiet, steadfast observer. His mother’s house in Jerusalem was a gathering place for the church (see Acts 12). We learn in Acts 12:12 that on the night Peter was miraculously released from prison by an angel, he returned to Mark’s family home. Mark was Peter's friend and an assistant on the earliest missionary journey of Saul and Barnabas. As he witnessed these marvelous events, Mark recorded details that still instruct us today.

In his opening chapter, Mark shows us a pattern from the life of Jesus on the eve of His public ministry. This same pattern can be seen in all who stand on the threshold of their life-work for God.

We are called away from our comfort zone, our home, to take a step of obedience before others. 

One day Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and John baptized him in the Jordan River (Mark 1:9).

Gospel writer Matthew notes that John the Baptist tried to talk Jesus out of being baptized by him, but Jesus replied, “It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires” (Matthew 3:15).

Many writers are uncomfortable and intimidated about this first step, trying to talk themselves out of going public with the private message God has given. Yet it should be done, for we must carry out all God requires. As stewards of the words He provides, we must step out and make them known to those lined up along the river of our obedience, longing for hope and new life.

As we obey our Father in heaven affirms us with His love, and He does so before many witnesses.

As Jesus came up out of the water…a voice from heaven said, “You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy” (Mark 1:10a, 11).

It is a great comfort to know that when we obey the Lord He takes responsibility for our reputations. Proverbs 4:18 describes the way of the one who follows the Way of the Lord:

The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.

The Lord is faithful like the rising of the dawn until it reaches the full light of day. As we take each step forward with Him, others will recognize that we walk with Him. They will see it is good, and that we are loved and bring Him great joy. Those witnesses will want to know that same love and experience for themselves the joy-bringing confidence for those who walk with Him on the Way. Before we know it, we won’t be alone. Others will join us and we will walk on with Jesus together.

Jesus’ critics stood among the witnesses that day by the river. Yet they could not stop the thundering voice of His Father’s affirmation. It won’t stop your Father from affirming you, either.

Going into the wilderness is preparation for ministry; indeed, the Spirit Himself compels us to go.

The Spirit then compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness, where he was tempted by Satan for forty days. He was out among the wild animals… (Mark 1:12-13a).

Taking that brave step to sign up for a writer’s conference, to sit before an editor or agent, to sit at your desk day after day doing the work of actually writing, courageously putting your words out there at risk of rejection, all this can feel very much like a wilderness where the wild animals dwell.

In the wilderness, we find out who we depend on for the power necessary to do what God has asked us to do.

Where are you today, dear writer? 

Lord, make me aware of Your presence as I take the next brave step on the Way. Amen.

Join me next month as we explore the temptations writers face in the wilderness.


Audrey Frank is an author, speaker, and storyteller. The stories she shares are brave and true. They give voice to those whose words are silenced by shame, the hard things in life that don’t make sense, and the losses that leave us wondering if we will survive. Audrey and her family have spent over twenty years living and working among different cultures and world views, and she has found that God’s story of redemption spans every geography and culture. He is the God of Instead, giving honor instead of shame, gladness instead of mourning, hope instead of despair. Although she has three different degrees in communication and intercultural studies, Audrey’s greatest credential is that she is known and loved by the One who made her.

Audrey is the author of Covered Glory: The Face of Honor and Shame in the Muslim World (Harvest House Publishers), an outpouring of Audrey’s heart to introduce others to the God of Instead. Shame is not unique to the developing world, the plight of the women behind veils, young girls trafficked across borders; shame is lurking in hearts everywhere. Through powerful stories from women around the world, Covered Glory illuminates the power of the Gospel to remove shame, giving honor instead. Available at favorite booksellers: BARNES & NOBLE, BOOKS A MILLION, AMAZON.


  1. This is beautiful. Over and over I am reminded of the fruit of obedience--grace overflowing.

  2. Chriswells.grace@gmail.comOctober 6, 2024 at 10:43 AM

    Thank you Audrey, I needed that today. :)
