Saturday, September 21, 2024

A Workout Plan to Help Writers Stay Healthy

by Edie Melson 

We all know the importance of staying in shape. Today I’m going to give you some workout tips to help you keep your writing life in shape. While physical conditioning is important, equally vital is our spiritual and emotional well-being.  

After all our goal is a sustainable writing life, filled with joy and the ability to do what it takes to be our best—no matter what comes.

A Workout Routine for Writers

Deep Knee Bends: I’m at my healthiest—physically, spiritually, and emotionally—when I make daily conversations with God a priority. But these aren’t the only type of deep knee bends that keep us in good shape. There is also a healthy humility that keeps us in good condition. By acknowledging other can be correct and even deserve a position ahead of us, we remove a lot of stress from our lives. 

Sit Ups: This is the one where you sit up and take notice of what’s going on around the publishing world—in your local community and world wide. A healthy writer is aware of the trends and works out regularly to stay aware of what’s happening. 

Strength Training: Where do you have the strongest publishing foundation? That’s where you need to build from. It could be that you’re active in a local community. If that’s the case, stay active and look for ways to serve while you grow. What can those around teach you and what can you teach them?

Maybe you have articles and blogs already visible. What topics seem to hit best? What topics and types of writing do you love best? Know the answers can help determine your focus. 

Finally, what are your actual writing strengths? Are you good at descriptions, story telling, editing? Continue to got in your strength and another skills that complement what you already do well.

Hurdles: Look at the obstacles ahead of you. If you're struggling with something take a run at it. Learn a new skill to keep your writing life healthy.

Sprints: Don’t despise the short spans of time during your day. Some of us love to have uninterrupted hours before we dig into a writing project, but that often isn’t an option. Life is crazy these days and if we waited for perfect conditions, we might never get any writing done. Train for those short sprints. Get used to scribbling down some words when you have time and you’ll be amazed at the goals you’ll be able to achieve. 

Endurance Training: Remember this thing called writing takes time—overall—it’s a marathon. Take small consistent steps and you’ll find success every time.

Cardio: Make sure you follow God’s heart in all you do. Let Him shape your passion and bring truth into your writing life. By giving Him your heart you’ll be protected from those devastating injuries like jealousy, discouragement, and frustration. Those can derail the healthiest writer if we’re not prepared. 

Stretching: Don’t neglect stretching when it comes to writing. We all need to stay limber when it comes to this wordy life. Things change—often quickly and unexpectedly—and the writer who is willing to stretch and grow will be able to stay in the race. 

Now it’s your turn, what exercise would you add to this writing workout routine?

Don’t forget to join the conversation!


Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives.Connect with her on her WEBSITE, through FACEBOOK, X (FORMALLY TWITTER) and on INSTAGRAM.


  1. Jay Wright in AndersonSeptember 21, 2024 at 7:04 AM

    Loved this, Edie. I would add chin-ups. Consciously hold your chin high to demonstrate your gratitude and pride for receiving the the gift for writing. Not everyone is called to write because it isn't easy.

    1. Oh Jay that’s PERFECT!!!!! Thanks for the addition!

  2. Chriswells.grace@gmail.comSeptember 21, 2024 at 9:36 AM

    Edie, thanks for this very helpful list. I love that it made my brain look at publishing from an unexpected angle. :)

  3. You're so clever, Edie! I loved this. I'd add jumping for joy for all the Lord has done, is doing, and will do!!!

  4. I'd add walking, because our fingers walk across our keyboards, our words walk across the screen, or our pens walk across the page as we write by hand.

  5. This is fabulous, Edie! I'd add "Staying hydrated" by immersing ourselves in God's Word.
