Wednesday, September 25, 2024

51 Tips to Help Market Your Book

by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

1. Practice good marketing, promotion, and social media by learning and meeting the needs of readers and followers.

2. Use a spreadsheet to begin marketing and promotion at the proposal stage to after release.

3. Develop a long bio.

4. Develop a 100-word bio.

5. Develop a 50-word bio.

6. Invest in a professional website.

7. Invest in a professional headshot and maintain the same or similar photo for all promotions and visibility.

8. Establish and engage followers on Facebook.

9. Establish and engage followers on X (formerly Twitter).

10. Establish an author page on Amazon.

11. Establish a BookBub account and use it.

12. Establish a Goodreads account and participate.

13. Establish a Pinterest account and participate.

14. Establish an Instagram account and participate.

15. Establish, maintain, value, and encourage a Launch Team.

16. Create and maintain a blog—or post regularly on a highly-respected blog(s).

17. Schedule guest blogs and offer book giveaways.

18. Create and maintain a brand that reflects your writing, genre, style, voice, and expertise.

19. Create memes that raise interest in your book’s content and themes.

20. Create social media posts, blog content, images, hashtags, and speaking content before your book is released.

21. Create a giveaway for the new book in which the participants are subscribers to your email list.

22. Arrange book signing/speaking events and offer a valuable incentive to potential readers like book swag and/or book retailer gift card.

23. Create bookmarks and distribute them at retail sites.

24. Create Pinterest boards that rise from themes in your book. Keep the board “secret” until close to book release.

25. Create personal topic Pinterest boards for continued follower interest.

26. Create a book club kit and post it on your website. Develop unique resources for your book: games, word games with the book’s theme, menu options, insider information, decoration ideas, and a contact form for those who want you to present to the group via online/zoom.

27. Link your blog to Goodreads.

28. Link your blog to LinkedIn.

29. Link your social media platforms on your website.

30. Add each book’s cover, blurb, links to purchase options, book trailer, author interview video, podcasts, and first chapter to your website.

31. Develop speaking topics from your book’s theme, setting, or research.

32. Develop a press kit and post it on your website. Use for print and online media.

33. Launch a pre-order campaign with a cover and teaser first scene.

34. Partner with other writers to cross-promote.

35. Organize virtual book tours with giveaways that include other writers.

36. Consult with your publisher about ways to market and promote.

37. Inform your publisher about all marketing and promotion efforts.

38. Host a Facebook live party with giveaways.

39. Take pics that reflect your book research, author engagement, setting, and theme. Use on social media.

40. Use Advance Reader Copies or Net Galley to encourage reviews. 

41. Research successful blog tours and hire or do your own.

42. Record short videos for social media about your book.

43. Host a podcast or seek a guest spot on a respected podcast.

44. Consider having book’s cover designed into a puzzle or playing cards for giveaways.

45. Ensure proper keywords on search engines for search engine optimization.

46. Create pre-order banners for all social media platforms promoting your book then update when it releases.

47. Video you and your book on a sightseeing trip.

48. Show character clothing.

49. Post recipes if applicable to the book.

50. Reach out to book reviewers for your genre.

51. Start a private Facebook reader group where fans can discuss your books, share their thoughts, and interact with you directly. This can foster a loyal community and encourage word-of-mouth promotion.

No need to list, but always say thank you and enjoy what you do!


DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She creates action-packed, suspense-filled novels to thrill readers. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. 

She is the former director of the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference, Mountainside Marketing Retreat, and Mountainside Novelist Retreat with social media specialist Edie Melson. Connect here:


  1. Wowzers! This is tremendous. Thanks for putting all these ideas in one place, DiAnn. Rather than reading it and becoming overwhelmed, I'm going to take them one step at a time and ENJOY the process.

  2. You are so welcome. I agree! Take one tip at a time.

  3. What a great list, DiAnn! Thank you!
