Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Develop Intentional Consistency to Become the Writer You Want to Be

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

The idea of INTENTIONAL CONSISTENCY may seem too obvious to merit mention, but I would beg you to stick with me. Life these days is incredibly busy. We’re subdividing our time into smaller and smaller portions, leaving us with just more details to keep track of.

Writing can easily fall between the cracks.

But I would propose that worked-in-between-the-insanity isn’t where our writing belongs. We have been given a gift and entrusted with a calling. I’ve come to believe it’s poor stewardship on my part to ignore that. So I’ve decided to begin the practice of writing with intentional consistency.

But all around me, no matter my good intentions, life continues to loom and intrude. 

8 Things to Help Writers Practice Intentional Consistency

1. I’ve determined my most creative hours of the day and blocked them off on my calendar. For me it’s the morning—anytime before noon. Truthfully, I’m not able to spend every single morning writing, but with the time blocked off, it makes me weigh other opportunities differently. 

2. I set weekly goals. I prefer weekly over daily goals because they’re easier to meet. If I miss a day for some reason, I still have the rest of the week to meet the expectations I’ve set. Sometimes I structure my goals around word count, but not always. Right now I’m working on a series of devotions, so I have a set number I want to finish editing each week. 

3. I write regularly. No, I don’t always write something every day. I believe writers should have a Sabbath rest. But I write when I don’t feel like it, as well as when I feel like it. Hear my heart on this. We are all busy. We all have important things that need doing. But if we’re going to call ourselves writers then writing MUST be one of those things. We can’t just talk about writing, critique other writers, or plan to write when life slows down. If we choose that attitude then we’re no better than the rich man in Luke 12 who was planning to build bigger barns. We are not promised tomorrow and we’ve got to quit squandering today.

4. I respect my calling. This is an attitude change for me. Through prayer and study, I’ve determined that God expects me to be obedient. I know, not a huge revelation, but just wait. That obedience isn’t supposed to only be in regard to the hard or the difficult things in my life. Obedience is foundational to everything. You see, I love writing and because it’s fun, I had developed the idea that it wasn’t important. And by the way, this has nothing to do with whether or not I'm making money with my writing. It has to do with obedience only.

5. I’m willing to let God set my priorities, even when it means saying no. I’m doing my best to model my life on Jesus. As I’ve studied His life, I’ve realized that He was not constrained by someone else’s agenda—even when it was urgent. He walked away from crowds who needed healing, those who were hurting, even disciples who were confused. Only God set His priorities. Everywhere around us are ministries that need workers, children who need babysitting, and loved ones who need help. I am not God. I cannot be everywhere at once. God is the only one who can make sense of all the needs surrounding me. When He says no, I go with it. When He says write, I sit down and write.

6. I’ve enlisted a team. Actually, I have a couple of them. I have a prayer team who pray specifically for me and my writing ministry. I also have a group of writers that I meet with regularly. Both groups hold me accountable and help me remember my priorities. They also give me the perspective I need to make wise choices. 

7. I now take time off. I’ve tried to work every waking hour I can, and it just doesn’t work. I’m not capable of sustaining that time of schedule. It makes me cranky, tired, and generally difficult to live with. It’s also NOT fair to my family and friends. Relationships do matter. When my life is out of balance, my calling isn’t the only thing that suffers. 

8. I nurture my relationship with God. This is foundational and without it, numbers 1 through 7 are meaningless. I make regular times of prayer and study a priority. I’ve discovered—the hard way—that the crazier life gets, the more time I need with God. 

None of these eight things is earth shattering, in fact they’re fairly obvious unless we’re applying them to ourselves. For me though, they required a dramatic shift in thinking and acting. I’d love for you to share your thoughts on intentional consistency in your writing life. Be sure to share your comments in the section below. 

Don’t forget to join the conversation!


Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives. Connect with her on her website, through Facebook, Twitter and on Instagram.


  1. Amen. This is a wonderful reminder to focus on what God wants for our writing. Thank you. :-)

    1. Melissa, it's something I need right now, too! Blessings, E

  2. Great tips to keep our attitudes about our writing God-centered. Thanks, Edie!

    1. Barbara, I'm glad it resonated with you! Blessings, E

  3. Thank you for this article. Yes, my writing has fallen between the cracks many many times. I appreciate your comment about this being a calling from God. Just last week, I decided that I would write for one to two hours Monday through Friday. If I missed a day, I would make it up over the weekend. And I do agree with you about writing when I don’t want to and writing when I do. I want to thank all the contributors that take their time, effort and their gift to help us all grow closer to the Lord through our writing and helping others to draw close to him.

    1. Art, you've come up with a GREAT plan! Blessings, E

  4. Thank you for today's 'lesson.' It is true. Writers write.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and taking time to comment! Blessings, E

  5. Great tips, Edie. It's so easy to let our writing slide while attending to other things.

    1. Kay, it really IS! thanks for dropping in! Blessings, E

  6. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. I am both a writer and musician but for the last few years, writing has played second fiddle to the writing. And it was the right thing--music is a ministry too. But the Lord continues to call me to write--He has placed so many stories upon my heart--and so I must. I have a recorder concert this afternoon and a story burning to be fleshed out. Pray for me.

    1. Vijaya, you're so right. This applies to so much of the lives of all creatives! And I will be praying. Thank you for the honor of lifting you before the Lord! Blessings, E

  7. Thank you, thank you - perfect timing for me! The Lord blessed me with a freelance job at a local magazine where I've had deadlines. And whether I "felt it" or not, I had to write. I learned to ask God for help, and He always provides. Now, to do that with my own self-imposed deadlines...after I first make them!

    1. Amen, I've found God is ALWAYS faithful! Blessings, E

  8. Thank you especially for the reminder to respect God's calling. I need that reminder daily to not get distracted or push writing to the margin of my day. I love the idea of blocking out my most creative time of the day.

  9. This is the push I needed, Edie. I had quit writing, but thought about it constantly as things happened and God would provide. I would think about what the Hook, Book, Look,and Took would be in each life change, but didn't write.
    Thank for your timely article.
