Saturday, April 20, 2024

Tips to Help a Writer Refill & Refresh Your Creative Spirit

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

We all have times when life spirals out of control. Maybe it’s too many writing deadlines, a family crisis or holiday madness. Whatever it is, it can drain us dry. I’ve learned that these dry times come when I don’t the luxury of taking a couple of weeks off to rest and recover. I’ve had to figure out how to keep going and recover while I'm doing it.

How to Feed A Writer's Creative Spirit

1. I take a spiritual inventory. I make sure my time with God hasn't slipped in priority. Even if it hasn't, I look for more time to spend with Him. He is the source of all my creativity. Without Him FIRST, everything else I do will be in vain.

2. I evaluate what’s on my schedule. I take a look at what I have to do no matter what, and at the things I just feel like I should do. There’s a difference, trust me. Now’s the time to let go of everything that isn’t absolutely necessary.

3. I acknowledge that I’m dealing with mental fatigue. My mind is like a muscle that’s been overworked. It needs time to recuperate. To give it the time it needs, I watch the clock while I’m working and taking frequent breaks during the day. I’ll use those breaks to wander around the yard with my camera, take lunch with a friend, or just sit and enjoy a TV show.

4. I take a look at my disrupted routine. Many of you know I keep a pretty regular schedule. I have to, I’m too easily distracted as it is. A schedule helps me focus and stay productive. But when life spirals out of control, my schedule can degenerate into doing nothing more than sitting in front of the computer for twelve to fourteen hours a day, seven days a week. No one can sustain that kind of workload for any length of time.

When that happens, I become very rigid with my schedule (including the break times). This helps me stay on track, even as I give myself time to recuperate. My writing time is be shorter and my breaks a little longer.

5. I feed my creative spirit. I must rekindle that creativity that’s burned so low in my soul. Here are some specifics on things I do:
  • I spend more time reading—for pleasure. I may try a new author, or revisit an old favorite. I go where my whims lead me. NOTHING from my to-do reading list allowed!
  • I do some things that spark my creativity, like jewelry making or knitting. Something fun, but not something I do for money. Just opportunities that encourage my imagination to soar.
  • I go to the movies. This gives me the opportunity to immerse myself in worlds that other creative geniuses have imagined and most important, much-needed time with my husband and with friends.
  • Finally, I find a time for a short vacation. It may only be a one-day trip into the mountains or a local park, but my husband and I need the unplugged time with just each other as our focus.

Now I’d love to hear from you. How do you refill and refresh your creative spirit? Share your suggestions in the comments section so we can all learn from each other. 


Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives. Connect with her on her website, through Facebook, Twitterand Instagram.


  1. Take a walk
    Crafting...junk journaling, quilt project, crocheting, watercolor
    Go to the ocean
    Personal retreat
    Organize my office
    Meet a friend ( I'm an extrovert)
    Write poetry, limerick, haiku

  2. I find peace in taking walks in my neighborhood. I enjoy listening to sounds of nature and resting in God's blessings. :-)

  3. Thank you for so many great ideas. We share a few. I’m a bit of a hermit so it’s helpful for me to just go outside and sit on the porch and listen to the birds and rustle of tree leaves.
