Thursday, October 17, 2024

Enter the 2025 CAN Marketing Awards!

by Susan U. Neal RN, MBA, MHS @SusanNealYoga

Attention Christian authors! Are you ready to get noticed for your exceptional marketing efforts? The Christian Authors Network (CAN) Excellence in Marketing Awards are back for 2025, offering you a chance to amplify your reach, gain recognition, and take your author platform to new heights.

This prestigious award celebrates outstanding Christian author marketing. By entering, you’ll gain access to exclusive promotions and priceless publicity that can make a real difference in your career.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Writers Do Not Give Up—Your Words Inspire Others

Edie here and boy do I have a treat for you. We have another new columnist at The Write Conversation! Today I'm introducing you to a woman I greatly respect, Kennita Williams. I know you will benefit from her humble wisdom as much as I have. AND she'll be joining us every month. Be sure to give her a warm TWC Welcome!

Writers Do Not Give Up—Your Words Inspire Others
by Kennita "Kay" Williams

Writing can sometimes feel like a solitary and challenging journey. There are moments when the words flow, and then there are seasons when every sentence feels like a struggle. In these times, doubt can creep in, making you wonder if your work has any real value or impact. But remember, as a writer, you hold a gift. Your words have the power to inspire, heal, and encourage others in ways you may never fully understand.

When you feel discouraged, know this truth: you are called to write. Your words matter, and they can impact on the lives of others far beyond what you may ever see.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Surrendering our Writing to God’s Plan

by Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes 

Throughout my journey as an author, I’ve encountered successes and failures, difficult times, and moments of triumph. Despite achieving publication victories, I grapple with disappointment, closed opportunities, and rejection. During these challenging periods, I seek solace in God, which helps me to recall that there’s much to appreciate. Ultimately, I’m reminded that God is at the center of each struggle and victory, especially when we embrace the power of surrender.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Don't Let Your Writing Get Sidetracked by Distracting Questions

by Larry J. Leech II @LarryJLeechII

Write at home or at a coffee shop?

With friends or by oneself?

Music or no music?

Short chapter or long chapter

Write or edit?

A popular villain in Batman Forever movie said near the end of the movie in an exasperated tone, “Too many questions. Too many questions.”

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Don’t Be a Leaky Writer

by Martin Wiles @LinesFromGod

Slowly, we filed into the room—some rubbing their sleepy eyes. For months, no alarm had governed our lives. Summer vacation still tickled our brains. A few were already seated—eager, ready to get started. Most lugged a large cup of coffee or water or something. The session before us was long. Some of us brought iPads, and others carried notebooks. Our first teacher-in-service day was at hand. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

What Happens When Your Writing Routine is Suddenly Disrupted?

by Beth Vogt @BethVogt

I had a new experience last month.

I broke two bones in my right wrist—yes, my dominant hand. This is my first time ever breaking a bone or two, and it was all thanks to our sweet dog Jo. She's 12 years old now, getting a bit deaf, and she meanders quite a bit when we take her on walks. I like to take photos when we go on our morning walks. Of the sunrise. Or the occasional deer. Some cheerful sunflowers. Her meandering and my photography spelled disaster early one morning when she tripped me. Down I went, hitting the asphalt hard.

So here I am wearing a hard cast through October, voice dictating my blog post. It's been interesting, to say the least.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Three Tips to Move Forward When You find Yourself Writing in Circles

by Lilka Raphael @Lilka_Raphael

Three Steps to Minimize Writing Frustration

“I am irritated by my own writing. I am like a violinist whose ear is true, but whose fingers refuse to reproduce precisely the sound he hears within.” Gustave Flaubert

In a perfect world, we would write from beginning to end without delay and interruption. However, life happens. A writer’s life is often circular, not linear. The process of writing is plagued with insertions, deletions, and revisions. We can have the best of plans only to succumb to circumstances beyond our control.