Friday, May 30, 2014

9 Things You’ll Regret When You Look Back on Your Writing Journey if You’re Not Paying Attention Now

     by Edie Melson

Life is full of regrets and the writer's life is no different. But since I'm a few years further down the path than a lot of you, I thought I'd share some things I wish I'd done differently. These are some regrets you don't have to have if you pay attention now.

1. Following the trends instead of writing what’s on your heart. It’s tempting to think, this or that is hot right now and an easy sell. The truth is, nothing is an easy sell. It all takes work. And more than that, it takes time. Chasing a trend will doom you to always being behind.

2. Not investing more time in your dream. All around you are opportunities to grow as a writer. Whether it’s local writing groups, online classes or chats, or conferences. Making your dream a priority is important.

3. Letting others define success. Success is different for each of us. I we let someone else’s definition guide us, we’ve lost our way.

4. Not saying yes to stretching your writing muscles. Courage is essential in this business. I’s what so often separates success from failure. If I only did what I knew I could, I’d never grow as a writer.

5. Listening to the negative voices in your head. We all have them, no matter where we are in the writing journey. The only difference is whether or not we choose to believe them.

6. Not networking more. In this business, as much or more than any other, it’s who you know. Building relationships can keep you sane, give you valuable leads, and open the doors to publication.

7. Submitting stuff too early in the editing process. It’s tempting to get frustrated with the process and think something is good enough. Every single time I tried that short cut it ended in failure.

8. Not writing more. Isaac Asimov was once asked what he’d do if he found out he only had six months to live. His answer haunts me. “Write faster.”

9. Letting the jealousy and pettiness of others derail your progress. It’s a competitive field and for some, winning is everything. These few can beat you down to build themselves up, if you let them. Don’t.

This is what’s on my list. What’s on yours?

Don’t forget to join the conversation.



  1. Because I am a beginning writer, this post is gold, Edie. Numbers 2 and 6 really speak to me, and number 4 shouts.

    Your blog is a tremendous blessing.

    1. Maureen, I'm so glad you stopped by! Blessings on your own writing journey, E

  2. Great things to remember. I want to print this and post where I can see it every day. Thanks!

    1. Barbara, I so happy you found this helpful! Blessings, E

  3. I really liked the part about trends vs writing what's in your heart. I get tempted but know I need to stick to what is true to my heart and what I've been called to write about. Thanks Edie

    1. It's so tempting to write what's popular! Thanks so much for stopping by, Blessings, E

  4. Great post, Edie. Number 5 is my weakness. One of the enemy's most subtle temptations is, "You got a late start this morning. Why not wait til tomorrow and get a fresh start." I listen to that voice way to often.

    1. Sherry, that's one that's subtle. I have trouble drowning out the ones that insist I can't write and should quit. Blessings, E

  5. Amen! I've experienced almost every one of those at one time or another. Great advice!

    1. Dawn, thank you for stopping by! Blessings, E

  6. Good list and enlightening to read the things I let stop me.

    1. Kim, it was funny (in a sad way). It took me less than 5 minutes to come up with this list of regrets... Thanks for dropping in, Blessings, E

  7. Fantastic advice. Such great reminders. Thank you for this.

  8. Because of number 5, many of the others on the list are made possible. Such good advice, thank you, Edie.

  9. I really appreciate #1. So many people don't realize that someone has to CREATE the trends!

    1. Jace, you are absolutely right. We need to be trend-setters, not trend-followers. Blessings, E

  10. I am guilty of every one! Holy Cow. this inspires me and affirms my thinking about what to write this summer. Thanks for the kick in the you know where. LOL

  11. Wonderful list that reminds me to keep moving forward on my writing journey! Thank you for sharing!
